OysterKit is an open source, pure Swift framework that provides the following capabilities
- An extensible string tokenisation API with built in support for many standard tokens (beta)
- An extensible string parsing API with built in support for post-fix (RPN) and in-fix mathematical expressions (alpha)
We are in the process of developing the documentation (both human readable, and improving the documentation within the code itself), but if you would like to use or contribute to the framework, you can grab it from GitHub
The workspace supplied includes two example applications (both on the Mac at the moment, just to ease developer exploration). Once is a short Hello World console app, and the other an interactive syntax highlighting tokenizer demonstration of the OK Script language.
OysterKit is released under an MIT License.
OysterKit is still very much in development, but as elements of the framework have matured, and we are keen to get developer feedback we have made it available on GitHub.
At this stage the most useful thing we can do is report on the stability and level of documentation for the different parts of the framework
- Tokenization
- API - Stable, changes may occur but they are unlikely to be significant at this point
- Source Code Documentation - Source code is sparsely commented, this will improve in the coming days
- Usage Documentation - Have made a start, documenting the core states
- Tests - Unit tests are included with the project for all Tokenization functionality. These will be further built out in the coming weeks.
- Parsing
- API - Changeable, we have not yet developed unit tests
- Source Code Documentation - Light
- Usage Documentation - None, but you could read the blog post on the initial implementation
- Tests - Not developed
Make the Swift 2.2 to 3.0 transition a little easier with these useful regular expressions for XCode