Optional methods in pure Swift protocols

Ash Furrows wrote a very interesting post on optional conformance to a contract, and described the challenge of wanting to have two classes talk to each other without being tightly coupled (it's well worth reading David Owens response too), but I wanted to jump in and just share a pattern I used for a completely different reason (and something which is likely to be the topic of another post, so I won't go into it here). 

One of the challenges Ash highlighted (can one blogger just call another by their first name without permission? I'll assume that's OK) is that to have optional parts of a protocol it must be an @objc protocol. The challenge Ash highlights is that this then means you can apply it to all of the Swift types (struct and enum, we are looking at you).  

Well that's not very Swift is it? There is a different (note I didn't say better, just different) solution. 

In his example he highlights an optional var, but the example below covers functions too. Here's a protocol that has an optional var and an optional function. I'm jumping through some hoops to support structs (which can't mutate self in a block)

protocol Food{
    var caloriesPerGram : Double {get}
    var milliLitresWaterPerGram : Double? {get}
    var addWater : ((milliLitres:Double)->(Food))? {get}
struct Kibble : Food{
    var caloriesPerGram : Double {
        return 1.0
    var milliLitresWaterPerGram : Double? { return nil }
    var addWater : ((milliLitres:Double)->(Food))? { return nil }
struct Flakes : Food{
    var absorbedWater = 0.0
    var caloriesPerGram : Double {
        return 0.5
    var milliLitresWaterPerGram : Double? {
        return absorbedWater
    var addWater : ((milliLitres:Double)->(Food))? {
        return { (milliLitres:Double)->Food in
            Flakes(absorbedWater: self.absorbedWater+milliLitres)
class Powder : Food{
    var absorbedWater = 0.0
    var caloriesPerGram : Double {
        return 0.5
    var milliLitresWaterPerGram : Double? {
        return absorbedWater
    var addWater : ((milliLitres:Double)->(Food))? {
        return { [unowned self] (milliLitres:Double)->Food in
            self.absorbedWater += milliLitres
            return self
var myFlake : Food = Flakes()
myFlake = myFlake.addWater?(milliLitres: 10.0) ?? myFlake
var myPowder : Food = Powder()
myPowder = myPowder.addWater?(milliLitres: 15.0) ?? myPowder

As I'm jumping through hoops to support structs. In case it's not obvious (??) any optional chain has an optional result, so I must use ?? to provide a value to use if the chain did result in nil. Another disadvantage is that with optional you can just ignore the var or func entirely in the implementing Type. Not so here, I must create something that returns nil

If you ignored structs you could just call the block with an optional chaining, and there would be no need for any returned object in the block declaration

protocol Food{
  // as before, except 
  var addWater : ((milliLitres:Double)->())? {get}  

But I agree with Ash, any Swift solution that does support all Types, isn't really Swift. This solution is more than a little anguished (at least for the method case, I'm OK with the the nil returning var to be honest), but surely they could coax the compiler into doing this bit for us?