I was writing a post on my views on handing errors in Swift, but whilst researching other opinions I came across this post, which says it all.
At WWDC 2014 Apple introduced a new programming language, Swift. At this point everyone has exactly zero days experience in Swift. This blog will capture and share our learning, and I hope the learnings of others as we go.
I was writing a post on my views on handing errors in Swift, but whilst researching other opinions I came across this post, which says it all.
Even a simple text adventure contains all of the fundamentals of lexers, parsers, and interpreters. Using STLR to define the grammar, and its Swift code generation, we quickly create a simple adventure game in Swift.
Make the Swift 2.2 to 3.0 transition a little easier with these useful regular expressions for XCode
Time to update my Swift SpriteKit Playground example... now with added SpaceCats!